The moment Christ died on the cross, "forgiveness" became instantaneous.
When you have hurt someone or they have hurt you, that hurt binds the two of you together for always until Forgiveness has taken place.
Ask yourself this, when you've done something wrong in God's eyes HOW SOON do you want God to Forgive you?
You want God to Forgive you instantly, right? Because you want to be free from the hurt that you've caused yourself to feel or the hurt that you've caused someone else to feel.
When Christ died for us on the cross and because He sacrificed Himself, God will forgive you instantly when you ask for His Forgivness in the name of Jesus! But, you must have a true repentant heart.
What is a repentant heart? A repentant heart is understanding and remembering the wrong that you've done and are asking forgiveness for and then never doing that wrong again! That's the hard part; never making the same mistake again, because we are all human and it's so easy to do.
But, getting back to how to Forgive someone:
If you want God to instantly Forgive you and if you have a true repentant heart, then God forgives you instantly. So therefore, you must also Forgive others in this same way!
If you forgive someone, then you must allow them to stay in your life (and go on as you were before the hurt feelings happened) so that 'they' can feel that they've been forgiven by you and you have to practice forgiveness, by trusting them again with your feelings. But, if they turn around and repeat the same bad behavior and hurt you again, then they no longer want your forgiveness and then thats when you need to decide whether or not you want them in your life anymore. You can't just keep letting someone hurt you over and over.