Sooo just had a panic attack. I think that's what it was. Dr

Sooo just had a panic attack. I think that's what it was. Dry mouth, sobbing, trouble breathing, and shaking. Lasted about 40 minutes. Does anyone know anything about this?

Yep it is adrenaline ...were you thinking scared thoughts before it ?

Yes. I was terrified about the last days of school.

@SMAC Definitely sounds like a panic attack. Are you feeling overwhelmed about the last days of school? Why is this scaring you?

I have severe social anxiety. I was terrified of interaction with people on the last days. People are going to want to take pictures and hug, both of which I'm not comfortable doing.

I got these before every swim meet this season. It wasnt under the same circumstances, but my coach was being a little too hard on me, and all I could think about before my races was "Oh no. Hes going to judge me, he hates me, i disappoint him" and I would start crying and shaking and it was really hard to breathe (not good for swimming at all!!) And then my throat would go dry. I was like a dying fish in the water, choking and struggling to do something that used to come so naturally to me... it was terrible. All my coach had to say was "man up and quit crying" his comments only made things worse, and whevI told my parents about it, they sided with the coach. I felt even worse then. I thought even my parents were judging, and they were. I started getting only negative feedback. Panic attacks became more frequent. I found There isnt really a specific cure for panic attacks, but I have discovered that there are ways to prevent them. For me, it helped to talk to someone who I knew would love me whether I took first or last place ij my race, and I became very close with them. Their name was Morg. They were my rock at swimming, especially since they had the same type of issue (only much more mild) as I did. It also helped to listen to music before situations I knew might spark them. I liked listening to new songs, since that distracted me the most from the pressure. I think panic attacks are very unique, so dont be afraid to experiment. What calms you down? Maybe things are very different for you, but for me talking to Morg and playing weird music really chilled me out. Find your Morg. Find your rock. Good luck and I love you. Im alwayd here for you.

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From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Social Anxiety