Sorry i keep posting but i just had a sexual experience over the phone with my boyfriend and i felt like i enjoyed it but the whole time in the back of my head i was just trying to make sure everything was arousing me enough... It's frustrating because now im very high in worry and idk i know im looking for reassurance because i dont what to do i really just want to know im 100% straight
I remember having a huge crush on a boy in kinder I remember liking harry potter when i was like 8
Im just looking back for evidence i know i shouldnt do this...
Ugh what do i do??? :'(
Why are you checking? This is the worst you can do, your OCD will only get stronger. Stop immediately and take a breath. I know it's hard, I've been through the same. Start practicing some ERP, the only thing that will set you free.
"Why are you checking? This is the worst you can do, your OCD will only get stronger. Stop immediately and take a breath. I know it's hard, I've been through the same. Start practicing some ERP, the only thing that will set you free."
This. Just this.