Sorry, this is quite a long story. About 2 months ago I d

Sorry, this is quite a long story.

About 2 months ago I discovered that my fiance had cheated on me through messages on her phone. I am a very trusting person so this initial bombshell hit me hard. We have been together 5 years (albeit with one year over long distances due to being transferred to different offices). This was not a single incident, or a long term affair, but instead a number of work colleagues, old school friends, and a married boss (about 25 years older - she is in her late 20s - with 2 children). When confronted, she admitted that these had been going on since we started dating and had continued throughout our relationship, not regularly, but a few times a year. I knew that her past had been troubled, and that her father had committed suicide when she was 17, and that within 6 months of his death she had fallen into a 4 years relationship with a man who, although she would not talk about him much, sounded vaguely abusive. She was with him when we met, but things remained platonic until after she had thrown him out of the house she had bought. Off the back of her infidelities, she had a breakdown and she admitted a lot more about this abusive relationship that neither her mum or I had been aware of: he beat her, locked her in her own house, would hit her during sex, advertise her for sex with strangers online, and rape her if she refused or tried to stand up to him. After she had got out of the relationship with her mum and my help she had spoken to the police who had advised that without evidence nothing could be done, so she bottled it up. With all this in mind, I had decided to give things a go, and in some ways was ok. I cannot even fathom going through all that, and that it is bound to have an affect on the way she saw herself and sex in general. I had obviously not forgiven her for not coming to me, and for what she did to us, but I did understand a little more. I also advised that she speak to one of the senior members in her office who I considered a friend (I am also a friend of his wife). He is again 25 years older, and the executive of one of the large London-based financial consultancies. She agreed to speak to him about how to manage work etc while she got counseling, however when I got home that evening I found her crying and she admitted that our "first meeting" with her boss had been staged and that she had been sleeping with him for the 4 months before we met, and continued for the next 6 months, including the week after our engagement. What is scarier is that she let him hit her during sex, and on a couple of occasions, was raped by him (she told him no, and physically pushed him away, only to be pinned to the bed while she cried - I have seen his messages of apology afterwards...charming, right?). At the time, and because of what she had gone through before, it seems like she did not even recognise it as rape and said that "she deserved it for leading him on, and had agreed to sex before and after those events". It absolutely kills me that I let someone do this to her again: which is stupid I know. Now that she has faced everything and started dealing with everything, you can see that she is completely broken, and in our discussions with the counsellor is unable to even recognise the actions as logical (which they are not, but when everything first came out, her explanation was that she needed to be valued, and that to her, men only valued her when she was giving them what they wanted). I do love her still, and she is working with a psychologist, her work (HR and Senior Partners) have been incredibly supportive and are dealing with the boss (which is difficult as he partly owns the company as an Exec Senior Partner), and I do want to make things work. I do recognise that these were not equivalent relationships to ours, and were based on abuse. In fact what hurts most were the depth of the lies, and the misplaced trust in someone I considered a friend. The psychologist sees it as a form of PTSD, which does help me slightly - it was more difficult when it all seemed so illogical but at least that is some explanation. It is not an excuse, and I will never be able to forget, but I hope that I can forgive. My major struggle at the moment is that I am, in some ways, acting in support to her as a crutch and it is incredibly difficult to deal with my hurt. I do not feel that I can let her see me wide awake at night thinking it all over, or crying in the car on the way home. My family know and I have told one friend so that there are people I can talk with (and her mum has been so supportive), but I do not want to be too much of a burden, as it is easier being with people who do not know and I can be my old self.

I am so sorry. This was quite a devastating read. Please feel free to talk to me whenever. You definable deserve to feel pain and express it. You're a good man by standing by her but you have to be able to feel too . I'm here if you need to talk.

@tweaver0222 Thank you tweaver0222. I think that it is just difficult to express it, especially when trying to make things work. The only real chance of us making it is if it is not completely out in the open. We have both chosen a few trustworthy friends to talk to, but if everyone knows, and is judging, then it makes it all the more difficult. People on here seem incredibly supportive, and because it is anonymous it makes it easier to carry on “as normal” with friends, family etc. If you do not mind, I may be in touch on the more difficult days.

I am going through a similar experience, not to the extend that you described. Its a long hard road my friend. Like you, I love my wife and I want to be here for her to support. But her actions were awful, the places she went and the things she did are despicable. I applauded for your willingness to stand by her. Just be sure that you are ready for this ride, its a long bumpy ride. Make sure you are doing things to take care of you while yyour taking care of her. See a counselor and enlist the help and comfort from good friends and family, you'll need it. We've been working on our recovery for over 18 months now, we are just now starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Loves of love and compassion are also in order. Good luck!!!

@crazyblaze I find that I completely trust that now she has faced her past that she will not need that again, which seems odd given everything. She is much more open, and willing to talk through the night terrors that she has about the ex, the events of the last 5 years etc. and I believe her when she says that the desire was not actually sexual but to feel like she was doing what other people wanted so that they would “respect” her (though the counsellor has worked pretty hard to make her realise that what they had was the complete opposite of “respect”). What is left is the fear of what would happen if that trust is misplaced. Have you found that you have started to feel more comfortable when she is out with friends or work colleagues, or is there still that uncertainty? Though I see he need for there to be a few ground-rules, I do not want to be controlling as, to me, that means that what has happens just takes over.

Oh my GOD! You are an absolute prince! You are her angel. Does she realize what a gift your relationship and loyalty is? I just hope you are able to separate your need for stability and honor your needs as you are important!! I so wish I could say some magic words to help you through this hurricane. It sounds devastating to stand by and see your loved one go through something so vile. The extent that some humans are willing to inflict SO much pain on each other is incomprehensible! My heart goes out to you. Please be sure to take excellent care of yourself. Start by getting tested for STDs. Do not rely on her to do this. Testing and treatment is free at your local Health clinic. And you can remain anonymous. Please post as often as you can. You will need a lot of support and possibly counseling. It reaffirms my faith in humanity to read the extent of your love. My Heart goes out to you, hon. I am so sorry to be blunt, but if you are planning on having children, please consider that someone with less baggage might be a fast track to achieving conditions needed to nurture a child or children. It is something to consider. I know you must love her with all your heart, unconditionally. You would make an excellent father. Patience and lots of therapy might help her but to what extent is the question. Sending you much hope, strength, love. Please take good care of you! Giving souls sometimes get lost and take on the problems of the world but are sometimes swallowed up and spit out by the evil that is larger than we realize. With regret that I have to mention these things. It is for concern for your welfare that I do, luv. ((Hugs)). God's perfect peace.

@Teeny bikini You do not need to apologise. Your advice was entirely true: to put your mind at rest, I went (with her as well) to get us both tested at the health clinic the Monday after I found out. My main concern was more about what she could have caught while with the ex when she was effectively being advertised out to strangers as who knows what they had. Fortunately we both came back clean, which came as a huge relief! Fortunately, though children could be a possibility if we are able to work through things, it is not something that we planned on in the next 5+ years anyway, and are not something that I have a burning desire for: if I am with the right person then I think it would be wonderful, but they are not something that I think I would fee incomplete without (if that makes sense). Another bridge, for another day. I have thought long and hard, and realise that potentially she will never be fully healed, but if we can work through things, and at least manage the issues then I will be here. Whilst what has happened between us is as a result of her actions, the causes (and therefore issues), were not her fault and I do not want to desert her now, so whether we are in a relationship or friends I will not be going anywhere.

From Romantic Relationships to Cheating & Infidelity