Spending Time Together

Monday is my belly button birthday. I'll be 49. I have been taking some time away from the computer (I am online off and on just not as much) and spending the last few days with my family and will do so through Monday. We always do birthdays big around here. Mainly it is a time of us all slowing down from our busy lives and spending time with each other. One of the best gifts my family can always give me is their time. They know this. I would prefer to have time spent with them (my family) than anything else they might give me. All our girls were here Thursday evening as they sprung their early birthday surprise on me which was all of them being together and having some of their friends over and celebrating my upcoming birthday. It was Thursday evening and I was looking at all of them together in the living room. I told my husband that I had just got my best birthday gift which was seeing them all together - again. We have had a good time together spending time with each other.

Too many times these days we get busy living our own lives that we neglect family time. We are working, spending time with friends, doing our own thing. I think it is important for family to slow down and spend some quality time together even if you have to schedule it in. Don't wait until it is too late to do this. Those birthdays tend to come faster as we get older. Don't wait for a special occasion. If you can't get together in person, then pick up the phone and spend 15-30 minutes talking with a loved one. Start right now - today.

I hope you enjoyed your special day Bluid cause it sure sounds like it.

Take care of you.



what a fantastic birthday spent with the family, its true that in this day and age people dont have as much time to spend with loved ones

hope the coming year is a good one for u and loved ones

as always

loving thoughts and positive vibes

Thank you April and Domestic. Tomorrow, July 19th, is my birthday. We have all been having a fun time this weekend spending time together. My daughters did have friends over again yesterday and last night. There are still a few kids here. I think today we will get back to just our family here once the rest of these kids leave. It's been fun but getting time for some kick back quiet time. I hope you both have a wonderful Sunday! ((((hugs))))

bluidkiti, thank-you for your reminder to spend time with family. Having turned 50 this year, I am aware of getting older and my parents getting older, and I wonder what I should be doing or saying to them before it is too late. I also hope they are thinking the same thing about their children, as I think there is a lot they could say. I hope you tell your girls you love them; I have never heard that word from my mother.

I have always told my daughters I love them each and every day since they were born. I do the same with my husband. When they were all in school, in the mornings I would hug each of them and tell them I loved them as they headed out the door for school. When my husband leaves for work, we hug, we kiss and say I love you to each other. Because of losing my dad and my sister, I am a stickler about how I part with others. I wish it to be on a good note, a hug and I love you. We never know what might happen once we are apart.