I married a person with fibromyalgia. She has many demands and I'm running out of inner strength to deal with all of it. Does anyone have any experience in this area? Any suggestion which have worked for you?
I married a person with fibromyalgia. She has many demands and I'm running out of inner strength to deal with all of it. Does anyone have any experience in this area? Any suggestion which have worked for you?
Hi, my suggestions would be try to find something you can still do with her that has nothing to do with her fibro. Like games, reading aloud to each other, just spending time together watching movies. Alot of times spouses that end up in situations like this start to resent their partners and soon forget why they love them. Which is not what you want. So find things fun to do together that are fibro free persay. Also, I am not sure of your religion or spirituality. But try and find comfort with your God. It helps. Another, plan ahead of time, meals, work around the house, shopping etc. If you plan ahead of time exactly what is done when (even meals) it will take a load off later. gotta run for now, duty calls. bbl