Has anyone has any success taking St. Johns Wort for depression? Are there any side effects? How long do i have to take it before it starts working? This is the 3rd time ive tried posting this.
Im on it now actually. 900 mg per day of st johns wort. Its been about 4 weeks now. I have experienced a BIG improvement in mood but is it st johns wort?
I went on my own program of daily multivitamin, 3600 mg fish oil, eliminated sugars and fats, eating every 2-3 hours, which means snacks and a protein shake. I also added 1500 mg of glucosamine for joints. i have a basic "healthy" meal plan i got off the net and posted it on my fridge and pantry and work..to help me zero in on the right foods. I intended to add exercise which i have. i bought a 35$ exercise training program which im usign to guide me through exercises plus i thought i could walk off my depression at the gym, then maybe more. i bought a mon-fri PILL box to help me remember and THAT works like a charm. so overall.. its all self help here. talking with others is good for a tip or kind word but i needed concrete work plan, constructive critique, ideas of what has worked and what didnt and why...anyway
the result of supplements? was GOOD but i needed more. it needed a good behavioral approach as well.
i also heavily research the my problems, printed material and read, you tube, and created a journal with lists of things i need to FOCUS on. these lists are posted on my walls, and computer. and so far, so good.
feel free to email me at ([email protected])for the info ive collected, as ive been heavily invested in supplements, exercise and some self help recentll.