Starting the road to recovery

finally i got the gaul to go to a refferal center after dealing with alot of anxiety and depression about them forcing me into inpatient they are not even going to do that i am both exited and nervous and not sure how its even going to go down i just hope this therapist is better than my last one because i really need this to work out i know its going to be a long and hard road to being normal again and i just cant wait for it all my body no longer starving finally seeing food as a good thing rather than packages of fat my body finally trusting me and stopping with the binging wish me luck on this journey everyone because i know im going to need it

acousti...good luck dear...please keep writing and let us know how you are doing...Jan ♥

oh i will defiently keep posting on here pretty much everytime i have a chance this site is a lot of help all the people that are going through the same thing or have gone through it and can offer true insight is such a help it helps with my anxiety thank u for the comments and suggestions i appreciate it all


Yay! Hooray for taking care of yourself! You will recover, sweetie! Hang in there. ♥

