Starting this all over - 24 hours withOUT bp

this is a big step for me having relapsed continuously last week. i haven't b/p since yesterday this time - i literally have to take it meal by meal -- not even day by day like most of you. :(

i pray to God that this week will be different. i read some books on healthy eating and that "Infinite Joy comes from a Healthy body - Clean eating - and a good physique."

if only i would stick to this CLEAN EATING all of the time and proper portion control i would probably be so much better off.

Here's hoping everyone has a successful week...


CONGRATS!! That is such a big first step! You can do this I know its really hard but you can!

What helps me is to distract myself after meals. Maybe with a walk, talking to a friend, watching tv, going to this site, doing homework...anything! IT hard but it is possible!

Keep fighting and writing :)

hehe that rhymed...


Good job on this first part of your day, Caroline! I'm on day 1.... I'm announcing a goal for me.... because I've been doing well for about 3 days and then on day 4 losing it, my goal is no b/p for 8 days..... that's double the time. Encouragement very welcomed!!!! Anybody else want to set a goal?! I'm putting it in my calendar.....


Thanks everyone for your posts. I already relapsed -- this is getting so far out of hand. I had a great start to the day with a healthy breakfast of oatmeal, blueberries and 1 egg white but lost it completely during lunch at work. I often have a problem with lunch and afternoon cravings...

I think I must have b/p something like 345 out of 365 last year. It was probably one of my worst years.

I am SO TIRED of cleaning toilets, hiding and hoarding food, wasting $$$, and living this secret twisted life. I just wish I never started this behavior to begin with.

I am happy with my physique as it is right now so I don't know why I continue to pollute my body with this illness.

I know that I would do so much better if I was accountable to someone (i.e. if my signif. other lived with me). My kids are still easy to get over on -- for now. When I was married it was much more difficult to keep this up and therefore, I threw up less.

Anyways, thanks again for your encouragement. Tomorrow is a new day -- thankfully. :)


Caroline .... don't beat yourself up about relapsing. The biggest thing is that you are taking the steps to control this. You have the desire.

I think you should also do this for YOU and no one else. You said that you think it would be easier if you had a significant other. You really can do this for you. :)

Also, are you seeing a therapist or some other professional? Are you involved with any local support group where you can physically attend?

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Just take it moment by moment for now. Soon, you will be doing it day by day. :)

Caroline...great job! Keep it up, you can do this, I just know you can.