Step Seven

Step Seven
"Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings."
Step seven concerns itself with humility. Here we should pause and think about what humility is and what the practice of it means to us. Without some degree of humility, no alcoholic can stay sober.

Humility is a word that for some reason I had a hard time wrapping my brain around in the beginning but with time and working the steps, it came.

Humility - the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
Synonyms - lowliness, meekness, submissiveness

Step 7, in all its simplicity, with a simple prayer to our Higher Power, asking that all our character defects which stand in the way of our usefulness to Him and our fellows be removed, is in fact the completion of the decision made in Step 3, we have abandoned ourselves to our Higher Power. We shall be remaking the decision and repeating the simple prayer many times as we trudge the Road to Happy Destiny.

Hi there,
Humility has been a very discussed subject in our meetings this month. I could not find freedom fron alcohol until I humbled myself through a broken heart and spirit. When I did this I found a strength from above that could not be found within myself. God is great.
Have a great, beautiful, blessed, sober day!
