Still going through it

Still having terrible delusions and paranoia i just cant get ride of these crippling thoughts in my mind and the visual hallucinations are just terrible these days its not as bad as it was before like just now while im typing this im at school and i keep seeing someone walking down the hallway and its creeping me out. I hate that its so hard to find the mix of medications for me i wish it were easier like get it right the first time and never have to try again. It frustrates me the things i think i go back and forth in my head with them like a **** never ending volley ball game, i serve the ball and something in my head keeps hitting it back to me so i hit it back. I dont know how to stop doing it my head is full of racing thoughts all the time and it gets worse when im trying to go to sleep i cant stop thinking so i go to sleep with thought after thought in my head and wake up its quiet for awhile but only awhile. I wouldnt wish schizophrenia on the worse person that walked the planet nor the evilest nobody deserves this.

you are right nobody deserves this. I often ask myself why me. All my best regards to you. Stay strong.

I ask myself the same thing everyday.

Hey, You Supported Me Shanese &Im So Thankful For That &When I Hear That You're Problems are Getting Worse Again, I Feel So Bad. Hope Everything Goes Well . I Hope The Hallway Man Goes Away Soon :(

Thank you. I hope he does too. You dont have to feel bad at all hopefully my meds will catch up with my sz sooner than never and i wont have problems anymore

Reading all the facts that It needs time to find the right combination of meds .
my first meds didn't work well and it developed in to a relapse .
my new meds seem better till now , But in your case you are aware of what is happening to you Dear shanese and that the racing thoughts, voices , delusions ... are all symptoms coming back . So its important to be supervised sooner than later.
See your psychiatrist ASAP.
I don't know what I can do to help , try to keep attached to reality some how , I know thats hard :(
I wish you all good things in the world ...

I see my psychiatrist on the 30th ill try and hold on till then but im slipping and i have been for awhile. I find myself being alone and withdrawing more often than not.
Thanks for the support.