Strange symptoms popping up

I am very new to all of this but I am starting to get a little nervous about some of my symptoms that I am having. Let me begin by saying that I am 7 of 12 treatments in of my ABVD chemo. I am stage 2B. I developed DVT's and had a blood clot in my arm and have to take blood thinners and get neupogen shots too (fun stuff) My latest symptom is cramps that come out of nowhere in my feet and legs. In the middle of the night is when they occur mostly, but they happen all day long too. I am at a point where I feel them coming on and just cry because I am so helpless against them. I dread getting my neupogen shots too becuase I get the wonderful side effect of bone pain. I am starting to wonder if I am just losing my mind. I apologize if this discussion doesn't follow one straight thought...having issues with keeping on task lately too.

Welcome to supportgroups Dana, I'm sorry you're having these side effects. I hope that they clear up soon and that soon enough you'll be free not only of them but of Hodgkin's too.

So how about it, folks- anyone else experience painful cramps in their legs and feet, and if so, what did you learn about it and what did you do about it?


I had a small episode like this, usually helped by flexing the hurty bits. It passed quickly, and is not one of my enduring memories of treatment. Hopefully, the same will be true for you.
I had G-CSF, which I think is Neupogen under a nom-de-guerre. I self-injected, which isn't half as bad as it sounds. I never had the bone pain, so can't advise.
Normal is suspended for the moment. You will soon be out the other end of this. Just do the best you can.

I didn't have them but know someone who had very bad cramps on his back due to Neulasta and I think he even had to go to hospital. I had moderate bone/body pain but I started taking Claritin (loratadine) the morning of the injection and for a couple of days after and it helped a lot, you can ask your doctor about it.
Good luck and hang in there... it will be over sooner than you think.