Im so stressed out i think this stress is really affecting me with my conversion disorder. I can't walk without assistance lately. So I crawl everywhere i go except out of the house of course. The conversion disorder is stress related only thing i cant figure out what im so stressed about it comes on at the most random moments even if it wasn't a big stressor it happens i just can't control it. Its uncontrollable even my therapist don't know what to do. Hell i don't know what to do. It's gotten better but i want it to go away forever i want to have never known what mental illness was
Hi Passionfruit3, thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry for what you are going through and you are in my thoughts and prayers as you go for you MRI tomorrow and Thursday. I know all too well what stress can do to the body and learned the very hard way one year ago when I started getting random dizzy spells, black-outs, hand and feet numbness. It was such a scary 6 month period of time. Though, when I started to control my stress level and found inner peace, as well as sought medical guidance/help, then my symptoms went away.
I am praying for you and sending you healthy healing energy. Wishing you all of the very best!