hello friends
today was a really..bad day.
i am aware of some possible triggers that led up to me eating more than usual and purging.. but it still doesnt take away how i feel. still doesnt take away those horrible voices in my head. all i can think of is how this will "affect" me..
how do u keep motivated after a slip?
i feel so discouraged and disgusted with myself
hugs to all
One thing can be to let your frustration and anger over slipping up motivate you to redouble your efforts from this point forward. And if you slip up again, that's okay. You can ALWAYS pick yourself up and keep going. It's when you give in and start slipping up again and again and again and again because you stop fighting that things start getting ugly. So please, FORGIVE YOURSELF for slipping up, redirect your anger away from yourself and back at ED where it belongs, and keep on trucking. You've got this; we're all here to help and support, and you've got an incredible reserve of willpower and strength that will get you through this thing. Remember the things that ED has taken from you and resolve not to let it take away anything else. Remember your goals and why you want to reach them. And of course post here when you need to express what you're feeling. Love ya; hang in there!
Best suggestion I can give is much like TrueImage's.
Forgive yourself!
The progress you have made so far cannot be taken away from this slip up. Think of that.
Learn from your mistakes.Make goals to want to do better next time, and recognize the triggers. Tell yourself "I will not let yesterday control today" everyday is new!
Sometimes if I struggle and binge at night, I want to eat little to nothing the next day, and go to bed struggling with those thoughts. But as soon as I wake up, I go and have a good breakfast, and keep trucking through the day as if yesterday never happened.
Today is NEW. Be different. Be strong. You are beautiful.
Paige xoxo