Sustaining motivation suggestion #5: Think about benefits

Sustaining motivation suggestion #5: Think about benefits. Perhaps as you feeling your momentum fading and questioning whether you can make it through yet another day without a binge, we should focus on what a healthier eating habit can do for us; lower weight will prevent/control diabetes, less stress on our joints, less expense in the grocery store, being happier with ourselves because we are no longer under the control of our obsessive food thoughts, free from the feelings of guilt, no more need to hide our eating from others, being able to buy clothes that fit and feel good in them, and etc., etc., etc. The motivational speaker, Tony Robins would also suggest that we take time to list the negative effects of continuing with a bad habit since we as humans tend to want to avoid pain. Perhaps listing the positive benefits of healthier eating on one side of a piece paper and the negative effects of continuing down the path of destructive eating would be an excellent idea for boosting motivation. As always, good luck on your plans and for an improvement in your own motivation.

Brilliant post, so spot on!