Sz. heart my relation with family and friends

I accused my family of doing bad stuff to me during my breakdowns , now when I am better I can't get their love back , I think I heart some people with what I said ...
what should I do ?

I had hallucinations then , I still feel hate in the air

dear one, wow, has your family had a chance to become educated about your illness yet?

My brother has hurt my feelings so many times with the things he says. I'm truly thinking of giving up on him. He doesn't want to take his medicine. I'm sorry but I can relate to how they feel.

dear chadanddan,please don’t give up on your sick family member!

we MUST remember to hate the DISEASE and not the person.

my 2(TWO) 29 year old twin sons say hurtful things all the time to the family members. as family members we have to set good boundaries and we usually do. but this mental disease doesn’t allow the sick individual to understand boundaries or screen their remarks before they speak. it is sad and yes hurtful, but i would never allow this disease to cut me off from the good moments i have with my young men, nor blame them for it.

yes they are responsible and i inform them, hey that hurts, i need a break, time out from this, and there are consequences here. lack of trust etc. but to cut my sons off, no way.they remain talented, interesting, loving individuals who are family members no matter what.

i am sorry for your pain and loss and suffering and i have no idea what you have had to endure from the hands or mind of the mental illness in your family. it can be devastating and sometimes the best thing is a lot of distance. i wish your family all the wellness possible.

Staniz thank u , you have been supportive really ...

I can't make my family read about SZ. they know a little ...

Chad you are a great brother I know But your ill brother doesn't say anything unless he is sure about it from his point of view ( I mean hallucinations ), his mind and body is controlled by the disease , I used to think and say harmful things about my family when I had hallucinations and now I don't know how did that happen ..

I had all my religious beliefs changed due to SZ. so what about beliefs about family and friends !
Its very hard , Sz. plays with our hearts not only minds.
and the meds make us emotionless..
I can't cry when I want to , just tears dissapeared :(

you must feel sympathy on your brother he is lonely more than ever been , someday I hope he'll be better and will remember every thing you did.
Sz. sucks