Taking it slow charlie what would be the first step in dealing with sexual abues

sexual abuse is such a hienous issue as well as complicated as we know, was wondering what a step 1 would be in dealing with sexual abuse..like aa has step i and then2, is there something that we could through out there in a like manner. i know for me the whole mess can be overwhelming, where if i can be broken down some how in taking baby steps if you will towards recovery thanks

Well, there are Twelve Step groups that exist for survivors of childhood sexual abuse and incest, and their First Step is simple, "We admitted that we were powerless over our sexual abuse, and as a result of this abuse, our lives have become unmanageable". That's as good a place as any to start the recovery process I guess. These groups then go on with the other eleven (11) Steps of the Twelve Step programs. If anyone else has an suggestions or ideas, I'd be open to hearing about them.


i had struggled for some years once i did a 4th and 5th step in aa with the fact of why did'nt i say something to anyone about what was going on, mine went on till about 11 or 12 not sure but i was like come on by then. that age why did'nt i say anything and i came up with one very good reason why as it was pointed out by my sponsor.....when i was 3 or 4 a friend and i were caught by my mom in my closet checking out each others groin areas....she was sent home and i was brought to the police station andh shown the cells and tould if i ever did anything like that again this is where i would end up. this was such a relief to me at age 29 because i could never figure out why i did'nt speak up to ANYONE till this man had passed away. hence i guess this would be a realization of the powerlessness over him with moms help. how brings a child to a police station like that....traumatic stuff for a baby i was just a baby