A good friend and colleague gave me a long article today...hence the above 'Title'.....Thanks Steph!!
Some things to consider:
Two caterpillars are conversing and a beautiful butterfly floats by.
One caterpillar turns and says to the other,
"You'll never get me up on one of these butterfly things."
Generally, everyone has unrealized potential. Improvement is about understanding and capturing ideas and possibilities, reformulating and restructuring those ideas into a usable form and then transforming them into actions and behaviors. This unrealized organizational and individual potential can be coached and supported and individuals generally need the support and coaching of others in order to be successful.
Some of you have heard me refer to the Challenge Day program, and one of their themes, which has impacted me in a great way..."Notice, Choose, Act".
The above references remind me of this.
Change will occur and we can choose to be active participants and go with the flow--or we can attempt to resist and suffer the stresses.
Jan ♥