Teens Who Text Too Much: More Likely to Smoke, Drink, Have Sex

A study conducted by researchers at Case Western Reserve University found that teens who engage in excessive texting or social networking on school days are more likely to engage in risky behaviors than their peers, HealthDay reported Nov. 9.

Researchers surveyed 4,257 students in 20 high schools in Cleveland, Ohio. They found that 19.8 percent of students engaged in "hyper-texting" (sending 120 or more texts per school day) and 11.5 percent were "hyper-networkers" (spending three or more hours on social networks per school day).

Although the groups differed, both sets of teens were far more likely than their peers to have smoked, to binge-drink, to use illegal drugs, to have been in a fistfight, or to have had sex -- and to have had sex with four or more people.

For example, hyper-texters were twice as likely as other teens to have tried alcohol and 43 percent more likely to binge-drink; 3-1/2 times more likely to have had sex than other teens; and 90 percent more likely to have had four or more partners.

Hyper-networkers were 69 percent more likely than other teens to have had sex and 60 percent more likely to have had four or more partners; they were also 84 percent more likely than other teens to have tried illegal drugs and 94 percent more likely to have been in a fistfight.

Read More: http://www.jointogether.org/news/research/summaries/2010/teens-who-text-...

this is pretty interesting. i would never think of texting as ever being connected to stuff like drugs or sex. pretty crazy.


seems like many things that start out harmless turn into darker things these days, definitely one to keep an eye out for with our boys

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)