Text non-responsiveness

Sent a "thank you" text to a guy who I went out with and never received a response back. I was trying to be cordial and sincerely let him know that I had a good time and appreciated the evening. Is it strange that he didn't respond? Maybe it didn't warrant a response? Am I over-thinking this....probably.

How long has it been since you sent the text? And what exactly did you say? Think we all know you should have gotten some sort of response or follow up regardless.

I wouldn't even bother with this guy. He's already a problem!!

Yeah, it's pretty disappointing. Sent it late morning. I generally thanked him for a fantastic eve and wished him a fabulous day. It was short, sweet and to the point. Just thought he'd respond with something, anything.

Puppy .... if he didn't respond that could mean ..... 1) he didn't get the message 2) he is not interested in you 3) he is a sociopath and/or lacks in the dating etiquette department.

I do have to say that what you did was AWESOME. I can't tell you how many dates I have went on and heard nothing until I said something first. Only about 1% of the dates I have had did what you did. I was elated every time when a woman beat me to the Thank You message. It really let me know she was worth meeting.

I wish you better luck next time. :)

Oh he got the message. Let’s not give this guy the benefit of any doubt. Like you said, it’s awesome she even went out of her way to express her gratitude.

He isn’t worth it puppy.

I am sure he got it too.

I only stated that as a "just in case" possibility. I always have to throw one in there when I talk about this stuff.

Thank you both so much for your insight, I really appreciate it. I feel like such a silly girl even asking, but it was kind of bugging me because normally guys would respond with something, anything. It's just odd.

And, thank you both for thinking what I did was a good thing. I honestly like to thank a guy for going out of his way to pick me up, pay for dinner, and drop me off. He was a gentleman through and through. Said he'd call me tonight after his dinner. We shall see. Still odd about the text thing though.

Unless he’s just totally from a different century, maybe there’s a slight chance he doesn’t text message??? That would maybe be my ONLY exception, assuming he does a follow up call tonight. Otherwise, no thanks.

I'm right there with you. If he doesn't call, then forget it. No time for ridiculousness. I know that he texts and it only takes 30 seconds or less to respond. So I really don't buy the "I had a crazy busy day" excuse. In my craziest and busiest of days, I always make time to respond, even if it's a quick one.

Yeah I’ve put up with enough text lagging bullshit. We all rely on our phones. Let’s not kid ourselves. Let’s stop even pretending this guy has a chance.

Here's another thought:

Maybe ... just maybe he wants to say it to you rather than imply it via a text message. He just might feel you deserve something more than ASCII characters floating across your cell's LCD screen.

You know ... make it mean something more than just texted words floating in from the ether.

nice try, but NO.

July. I agree with you. I'm just playing the devil's advocate here.

I know you are :slight_smile: and I appreciate it. But this guy I don’t even know has struck quite a nerve with me.

I love the back and forth here, as well as both perspectives. This is what I love about our support group here. I am totally like you July where my mind automatically wanders to worst case scenario in a situation like this and I am trying to work on it.

He did call and said that he would rather talk to me than text, he also had clients in town that he was with all day. So I suppose those are two good enough reasons. I guess only time will tell, right?

hi puppydoglvr!

i am sorry that this particular case stressed you out, but i have to be honest after reading all these posts, i really do not think this is a big deal at all.

To me i don’t put much weight on texts. I will get general texts like " have a good day" and don’t necessarily respond cause i don’t think i have to.

If you sent a thank you text, he may have looked at it, thought it was really nice and didn’t feel the need to reply. If someone send me a thank you card in the mail, i don’t send them one back thanking them for the thank you card.

You also said that he was nice and picked you up, paid for dinner, etc, well i don’t think not responding to one text means you should give up on this guy. Obviously he is generous. Every person puts weight on different things. Some don’t think texting is a big deal and would rather talk. Don’t let one text ruin any potential. Give it a chance.

Good luck!

Hey guys,
Loving the banter going on here...:) Puppy i know how you feel he could have sent you a small text just anything back. But are you seeing him again, so that's great.
I know that heart wrenching feeling it's like "dam have I gone and picked another bad apple".

So it's not so much the not texting back it's your response to it and how you feel about it. I do understand it can be very deflating on the heart....and not for any big reason just because of our history's.

So I think in moments like that it's all about taking those moments and breathing through them.

Love to you hun
Moongal xxx

You know if we could just get them men to act right then all would be well with the world. :-) But such is life. Everyone is different. At least you did hear back from him and he said he would rather talk to you than text. To me that is even better!

bluidkiti ....

Cough cough cough .... just men??? Women too!


I don't necessarily think the texting was a big deal, but given how Puppy felt, there's a reason she felt a little insecure. There are times when I don't get a response and I could care less, but this text didn't seem to be about just the gratitude, it was a way of communicating with him. Just felt it wouldn't have killed the guy to send a quick response to show Puppy was on his mind, especially since she sent the intital text.