Thank you

Thank you all for your support,

It feels very good knowing that there are others out there that can relate to what I am feeling and have been through. I have not been to any casinos in the past week and I have no desire. I am praying day and night and know in my heart that my Heavenly Father has forgiven me and that I can stand strong and be successful. I will definitely read the scriptures that you have given me for there is one thing that I love to do and that is reading Gods word. It comforts me when I am feeling alone. So thank you again for your words of encouragement, expressing myself and being able to share has lifted a heavy weight off of me and has given me strength to keep pressing on. I believe that is only the beginning of my blessings. "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens ME!

Very happy for you and God bless you and be there for you through this journey.

fran11jones, I am so happy that you are doing well! It is amazing how reading Gods word can make you feel so wonderful. He will give you the strength you need to conquer this addiction! Just know that we will be here for you all the time. I come to this site daily and it is a tremendous help. The people on this site a such a great support!
God Bless,