The 1st Step

Hi my Name is Troy.Im a 26 yrs old and i work in IT.I have been smoking Marijuana for 8yrs now. I have tried to kick this habit a couple of times before,failing to get past the 1st step of admitting that I am addicted. evrytime i give myself reasons to stop smoking,I work exceptionally hard on rectifying those "shortcomings" that lead to decisions to quit and continue with the a result I've become very good at concealing my habit,i try by all means to keep it from affecting my work and as much as i have convinced people around me that im good at my work,if i stopped smoking i'd be twice as good. Slowly my family is becoming alienated nd im starting to distant everyone who seems opposed to my habit. I need as much help as i can get on this forum.

The first question you have to ask yourself is: What is this behavior doing for me? I don't mean asking yourself that in a critical manner, but honestly trying to figure out what kind of emotional/mental void you are trying to fill by using marijuana.

Are you sad and therefore smoke? Do you smoke because you are in pain emotionally or physically? Do you smoke because it has just become a habit? Is it because you are stressed, lonely, etc? Are you running away from an emotion or feeling that is masked when you are high?

What triggers you to smoke and what does it do for you?

You have to figure out what kinds of things are driving you to smoke because unless you know what emotional or physical things are leading you to this addictive behavior, you cannot begin to help yourself fill those emotional/physical needs with things other than this addictive thing.

Good luck! I really hope you can kick the habit. My husband smokes and keeps trying to convince me its ok. I don't know how long I can deal with it... We have a 3yr old that I don't want to lose or grow up seeing that as her role model. I love him but he acts different, has mood swings, and lets his life revolve around it. It just makes me feel hopeless, unloved, and lonely to know that he'd rather smoke pot than be with his family.

Hi I'm grace. I have been smoking weed for over 20 years. It's time to quit. I love smoking. It never chanced my relationship, with my family or freinds. . It makes me happier and not so stress. It is much better than alchol, pills, and any other drug. Did you ever see I women been beat up because of pot.........No, but how about, alchol YES we see it every day. I also have alot of back problems and it really helps. I am 50 and as i get older, I find that the older i get the more I find people in my age group smoking. I am quitting because of the money, more than any other reason. SO now, I have to quit. I'll looking for a group in miami. If anyone knows where to go, please let me know. Thanks for your time. And open your minds. POT is not so bad.......... GRACE

This is a sensitive topic for me. As much of an advocate I am for no marijuana, and for it being the gateway drug, I do realize that everyone is different with it. Some can smoke casually and it doesn't affect anything, others do it and it becomes this major addiction that just leads to more addictions. My dad is one of those people. He made me do it with him when I was 14 even though I clearly stated I didn't want to. Before I knew it, he was keeping me 'in-the-know' about his $1200 here and there spent on giant bags of weed, and trying to get me to sell and do others things and so on. My dad has now been a crack addict for about 10 years and has disappeared out of my life, yet again.

I guess this is the question that popped into my mind while reading your post. What do you want to stop? Is it for you, or for others? Do you, personally, think it's wrong, or are you just trying to convince yourself it is because others feel so strongly about it? Basically, if you're doing it for others, it will be extremely hard if not impossible to stop. If you're doing it for you, it's a little easier. Don't be too hard on yourself if you 'relapse'. It's part of the cycle. Some may see your concealing your habit as you being this hardcore addict, but, let's say you liked to bungee-jump and your family was severely against it because they worried about your safety, but it was a passion of may conceal that because you wouldn't want them to worry or be affected. Does that mean you are doing something horrible?? Not necessarily. It just means you care about how they feel and don't want that to happen, but don't want to give up what you like and feel is ok. Idk. I guess I'm just playing a bit of devil's advocate to the other posts.