The color Gray-

My days are filled with tears and sadness everyday I keep on slacken. Though I live in a fantasy world I have a reason I live in a pitiful world which makes me a not so lucky girl. As I go day by day every happy hour seems to slowly slip away. You wake up every morning and all you mostly see is the color gray,and maybe some green ,green is for a hopeful clover that might be seen or maybe never. All I have is fate at this very moment That's why I hate those two annoying words fear and hopeless. My days are filled with tears and sadness too much yelling and there is far too much madness so I say to the world that's my definition of Gray and sadness.

Love that way you said that & thank you for sharing your feelings in such a wonderful way even w/the pain being so clear.

Take care of you.


I am so sorry to hear you are in such pain. Why is your world so gray, and why has it become filled with so much fear and sadness? I would love to listen if you would like to share.

jus checkout my profile and read my other posts