The fatigue! I swear it's almost as persistent as the pain

The fatigue! I swear it's almost as persistent as the pain.

2 Hearts

Hate to say this but you gotta keep moving to keep joint pain down as much, one must strengthen other areas of the body too. My sis is a physical therapist for 30yrs, she gave me exercises for my sciatic problems, there no easy solution/pill/shot so we must keep going best we can ;(

2 Hearts

@April That’s so nice of your sister to help you out! You’re right and I’ve definitely noticed that a cycle starts if I don’t move around where I’m in more pain and even more tired.

@amberib I empathized with your fatigue, and pain. I too suffered from chronic fatigue, and pain. But I suffered from nerves damage, which is excruciating! The being tired most of the time is stressful in itself, I'm unable to do things I used to do. Yes, exercise helped, but that if I am capable of execising on a given day. Be strong, the best is yet, to followed.... SG friends are here, to support, and be supported. Be hopeful.

2 Hearts

@Irma Finding ways to exercise that aren’t hard on my joints has been tricky. Some days, it’s gentle stretching and short walks with the dog. Other days I can manage real yoga and long walks and running errands. But it can be difficult after a long day at work, being on my feet, I come home drained sometimes. You’re right, and I am hopeful because I know that those days end and I have good days too. And I am so thankful for the good days. I know I should be glad that at least I can work, my pain doesn’t always keep me home. Thanks.

My biggest issue is staying alert and focused at work. If I try to get through the day without medication I'm distracted by the pain (never mind my teeth hurt from clenching), if I take a pill I'm tired and unfocused. Does anyone have any suggestions?

1 Heart

@Sarahjaye - Ever try over the counter Aleve? Doesn’t really work for me yet could work for another.

Thanks April, yes, I've tried Aleve. It can sometimes take the edge off, unfortunately I usually need something stronger to function