The Light

Yesterday I gathered the guts up to tell my boyfriend of 2 years, who I've been living with for two years about my bulimia. It was terrifying and I was ready for any type of reaction. I've been bulimic for a little over 3 years and he has never known. I've heard him make fun of ED victims before which was mainly why I was so afraid. I know he loves me and cares for me dearly but it still is a horribly scary thing to admit. I almost feel as if I'm sacrificing my pride for my ED, but also that is the only way I can get better. I don't want to be the girl defined by this disease. He ended up taking it wonderfully and after a few tears of terror, he let me know that he would do anything to help me stop and he's here for me no matter what. Today I feel relieved and for once I feel like there is really someone who WANTS to take care of me. My parents and my sister have known about this for quite a while but havn't really done anything about it... in fact my mother is mainly the one who buys me all my food that I just end up purging. Today I feel hopeful, I set up a meeting w a counselor on Monday and I'm hoping to stomp and beat this habit sooner than later. I guess the point of this post is to let you all know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, trust your love ones and lets take care of our bodies. I have yet to really feel like I'm ok but I'm definitely getting there. I'm seeing light for the first time in years.

So happy for you FD.

It takes an enormous amount of courage to tell those who love us about the ED and i think you are incredibly brave to have just gone ahead and done it. Especially in light of what has happened since you told your family.

I think sometimes, our families/loved ones do not know how to help us and until we make it clear what we need from them, they will do what they think helps us and for your mum, that may just be buying you food.

Does she understand that you struggle with purging rather than pure restriction?? Have you discussed it with her??

It has been really nice to read such an upbeat post and i wish you all the best with your appt on Monday.



Thanks for the comment! My mother understands what I'm going through but I think that it scares her so much she has just blocked it out of her mind. She knows I have a problem with purging but I guess my family just doesn't know how to handle it. I've never had a close relationship with my family so it is an extremely uncomfortable thing to discuss with them. Now that the closest person to me knows about this, I feel like I'm really going to be ok for the first time. I will keep you posted, thank you for your support :)