The other day I asked what you would want if you could have

The other day I asked what you would want if you could have anything. Tonight I think I will ask this:

If you could give someone in your life one thing, anything at all, what would you give?

2 Hearts

I'd give my son a world that had more hope for the future.

1 Heart

@InMyDreams great one! Surprised I didn’t think of that…I’d give my daughter a father that is whole and not broken

I'd first bring back Davii's cat

I would give tay1_23xoxo the strength to survive her life.

1 Heart

@MagiaMoonlight thank you. That means a lot. Just wish it were possible…

I'd give my parents the son they raised as opposed to the one I stare at in the mirror...give em a true return on investment

2 Hearts

I would give my family everything I am and everything I have. If they needed it it would belong to them. If it had to be one thing it would be a 1000 acre farm powered by natural energy sources.

1 Heart

@tay1_23xoxo that is a lot of likes.

I will share to them the love of God. And let them know their worth in God's heart.

I'd take back what I said to my best friend 3 years back and made her cry. We are best friends still and I've apologized, but I haven't forgiven myself yet.