The Wahl's Protocol...........the beginning of Dr. Wahl's bo

The Wahl's Protocol...........the beginning of Dr. Wahl's book on MS, disease, and what the brain needs.......

You hear the doctor say those words -multiple sclerosis- and you wonder if your life will ever be the same. Maybe you aern't entirely sure what it means, but you've seen it -- you've seen the people in wheelchairs who can't seem to remember things, or have a hard time even using their hands. Or , maybe you're already there, your mobilitydeclining or seemingly lost. Maybe youthink you are on the downward slope, and there is no climbing back up. Not in your condition.

Or perhaps you have a different kind of auto-immune disease, like rheumatoid artritis or lupus. Maybe you are sadled with obesity, or severe allergies, food intolorance, or celiac disease, diabities, or a heart condition. Perhaps you also may endure depression or anxiety or attention defficit dissorder. All you really know is that the day's of feeling good, feelinglike yourself, seem far behind you.Your body doesn't work the way it should, and neither does your brain.

You have probably seen a doctor, and maybe you have a diagnosis.Physicians treat your symptoms, but they cannot cure chronic disease like multiple sclerosis, depressio, high blood pressure, diabities, or even obesity forthat matter. You may be perscribed a list of pharmaceutical interventions to ease your symptoms, but this may only exacerbate your problems long term because of medocationside effects and the worsening nutrient depeation that may accompany long-termmedication use. Medications for auto-immune disease DO NOT CURE THE DISEASE. Their only purpose is to make you feel a little better, which might work, and possibly slow the progrssion, which also might work, or not.

Perhaps you are losing hope. I want to restore your hope.

This book is about hope. My overarching message couldn't be more straightforward. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A VICTOM. The disease or condition you have is already happening, but there are many significant things you can do to slow, halt, or even reverse your symptoms. MEDICATION CAN'T TAKE AWAY YOUR AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE, but your body can heal itself if you give it the tools.

I challenge you to stop believing everything you read and everything everyone tells you, and learn somethingabout biology and biochemistry so you can make your own decisions. I want you to understand why i designed The Wahl's Protochol the way I did. Let's take a look on what's really going on in your body............

What great advice- learning more about the disease you have empowers you when it comes to your treatment. With all the different studies and sources and websites out there, it's important to know what's going on in your body instead of relying on outside sources. It's also essential to find a doctor you can truly trust and that will listen to you, what you're going through, and respect your decisions and insights. How has learning about MS helped you in dealing with it and finding the right medication or treatment for you? Best wishes and know that we're here for you!

1 Heart

As I read this book, I find my MS , in the beginning when you know somethings wrong, and how it progressed and how she , Dr. Wahl's, explains hers VERY SIMILAR. As I learn and have experienced what eating nutritionally can do, I'm excited to take it one step further as I learn even more specifically what I can do for myself in turning this around. It's been two years so far with great change.

Those new to this disease, you CAN make a differance in life with MS.

@As I think more on this, i’ve been on 5 differant MS meds and recently 6 months , went off my ms med because of symptoms being worse. BUT, because of Dr. Wahl’s, i AM going back on as she suggest’s a test previous to stopping. Haven’t got to the test yet, but am confident with her research and know I need to do better in balancing my type of protein before stopping.


i AM A REGISTERED DIETICHIAN WHO UNDERSTOOD COGNITIVELYTHE ROLE OF DIET FOR HEALTH, but it wasn't till after my diagnosis with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis that i began experimenting with whole foods and specifically anti-inflamatory foodsthat i noticed a change in my body.My first symptom was optic neuritis (inflammed optic nerve). Subsequentlyi experienced paresthesias (painful sesations due to diseased nerve transmission) in my legs and severe fatigue. Then i got numbness in my feet and i had difficulty remembering recent information. After seeing Dr. Terry Wahl's, speak via her TED video clip , i felt pushed to another level.I increased my intake of the foods she suggested , including fish,(i was previously a vegitarian) and i eliminated gluten and dairy. I brgan to feel more energy and focus and noticed a distinct reduction in my symptoms. Then i went further, eating even more kale and other nervous system and mitochondrial substrates, as the Wahl's Diet suggests. I now feel even better than before . I am so grateful that a Western-trained physician is promoting what i have been trying to convey to doctors for years that diet is more powerful than drugs in the long term. I am so greatful to see clinical research beginning to back this up so that others in the medical profession will begin to see credibility in what we already know in our bodies and minds.
- Marla B. RD LD CNSD Chicago Illinois-

//////////////My thoughts as I read through "The Wahl's Protochol"/////////////////

Getting excited as I remanisk on my healing journey. ........the first symptom, optic neuritis, second ........i noticed my hungry/full feeling was gone. Fifteen yrs later, after 1yr of focusing on my nutrition that lack of hungry/full feeling is back. My digestive system is functioning excellent..............regular......which leads me to believe maybe, just maybe, after getting 'the test' (haven't gotten to it yet) I can go on a lessor strength of ms drug............we'll see what doc say's. EXCITEMENT the read continues............

hahaha.........remenisce....i think haha


After the birth of my son in 2006, I ended up in the hospital with a bad staph infection. After it was finally 'gone', I started having weird symptoms : tingling in my in my back, breathing difficulties, and cold feet. I was told initially that I had anxiety, or that I drank too much coffee. Finally, after my entire right side was numb, in 2009, they did an MRI and immediately sent me to a neurologist , who just threw my chart on the table and said, "The good new's is you don't have a tumor and the bad news is you have multiple sclerosis. Would you like Copaxonedaily injections or Avonex.?" He told me I would be fine for 10 yrs ,m then slowly progress. Nice bedside manner. I was 27.

I started The Wahl's Diet in May 2012 and my progrssion has deffinately slowed. My mood is 100 percent better, which is awesome, and I am able to exercise again, which I have not been able to do because of the fatigue. I now treat my food as medicine, and if it's not going to heal me, I don't eat it. My family is so greatful for Dr Wahl's work because they have their mom and wife back.
-- Karen K. Elk Grove California --

/////////////////my thoughts//////////////////////////

Bedside manner..................after being diagnosed, I said I'd like to try an alternative in treatment. He said , "When that doesn't work, come back and see me." This was new for me, I guess I was looking for direction, like, "In my experiance, it's in your best interest to start treatment......bla bla bla...........

I guess some caring, and I realise now, that's 'not there job'. FAST son's girlfriend wasdiagnosed in college and her Doctor explained things to her and her mother for TWO HOUR'S.

Finding the proper MS Doctor in your area is important for information the MS field.

Dr. Wahl's on.........WHAT DOCTORS DON'T KNOW

Back in the 1980's, when I went to medical school, I received very little nutrition education, and unfortunately that hasn't changed much. Few medical school's provide a seperate nutrition course to their students, and the majority of medical students , and the majority of medical students receive less than 25 hrs of nutrition instruction during their four years of medical school. It's no wonder why physicians don't teach their patients that the quality of diet is the main determinent of health.

//////////////My thoughts////////////////////////////

My sister just stopped by as I was typing my last post. She is a Chiropractor w/nutrition and her husband a Chiropractor which has doctored a patient my age, at the very same week getting MS as me...........she's doing great....the difference, she IMMEDIATELY went GLUETEN FREE. With recent continuing education, he feel's VERY strongly that GLUETEN/GRAINS is a MAJOR culprit in MS.

...........another thought, even WITH MS MEDS, within 10-15 yrs. something rears it's head with ms. So........why WOULDN'T a person who was concerned about their MS, NOT try eating for it with no symptoms except healthier?


I was diagnosed with RRMS when I was 19 years old, but except for an episode of optic neuritis , I didn't see another symptom until I was 30. I'm 33 now, and thing's got really bad for me in February 2002. I discovered Dr Wahl's work in July 2012 when my sister sent me a link to the video Minding Your Mitochondria. By the time I started The Wahl's Diet in August 2002 and Copaxone in September 2002, I'd lost the ability to walk on my own after having been on multiple sports teams only three years before. In the time since starting the diet, I have noticed massive improvementsin mental clarity and I have times I can walk around without my cane, feeling like a normal person again. Those times make it so worth it. I can give up cheeseburgersif it means I can walk again. I felt so good a few weeks ago that I reintroduced bread into my diet. I won't be doing that again. I felt sluggish and the spasticity in my legs came back. To find that a doctor out there who also has MS basically experimented on herself to find an optimal diet--it was so very inspiring. Thankyou, Dr. Wahl's.

Natalie S. Halfax, Nova Scotia, Canada
