The Wahl's Protocol...........the beginning of Dr. Wahl's book on MS, disease, and what the brain needs.......
You hear the doctor say those words -multiple sclerosis- and you wonder if your life will ever be the same. Maybe you aern't entirely sure what it means, but you've seen it -- you've seen the people in wheelchairs who can't seem to remember things, or have a hard time even using their hands. Or , maybe you're already there, your mobilitydeclining or seemingly lost. Maybe youthink you are on the downward slope, and there is no climbing back up. Not in your condition.
Or perhaps you have a different kind of auto-immune disease, like rheumatoid artritis or lupus. Maybe you are sadled with obesity, or severe allergies, food intolorance, or celiac disease, diabities, or a heart condition. Perhaps you also may endure depression or anxiety or attention defficit dissorder. All you really know is that the day's of feeling good, feelinglike yourself, seem far behind you.Your body doesn't work the way it should, and neither does your brain.
You have probably seen a doctor, and maybe you have a diagnosis.Physicians treat your symptoms, but they cannot cure chronic disease like multiple sclerosis, depressio, high blood pressure, diabities, or even obesity forthat matter. You may be perscribed a list of pharmaceutical interventions to ease your symptoms, but this may only exacerbate your problems long term because of medocationside effects and the worsening nutrient depeation that may accompany long-termmedication use. Medications for auto-immune disease DO NOT CURE THE DISEASE. Their only purpose is to make you feel a little better, which might work, and possibly slow the progrssion, which also might work, or not.
Perhaps you are losing hope. I want to restore your hope.
This book is about hope. My overarching message couldn't be more straightforward. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A VICTOM. The disease or condition you have is already happening, but there are many significant things you can do to slow, halt, or even reverse your symptoms. MEDICATION CAN'T TAKE AWAY YOUR AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE, but your body can heal itself if you give it the tools.
I challenge you to stop believing everything you read and everything everyone tells you, and learn somethingabout biology and biochemistry so you can make your own decisions. I want you to understand why i designed The Wahl's Protochol the way I did. Let's take a look on what's really going on in your body............