Well Crow, I can tell you that I feel that way sometimes too.
Though I have also experienced getting through some real tough times to find a treasure waiting on the other side of it all.
Those treasures we can find when we look for them.
For me I have been trying to focus on the positive things, because I am **** good at finding the bad and quickly. Retraining myself to instead look for the good in all situations, (being thankful sometimes merely that it is no any worse, knowing full well it always could be)
I am adopting a spirit of gratitude and of adaptation in times of strife.
Finding the even keel inside of myself, because it seems that it is not there in my external circums.
Finding an internal peace that survives the insanity of what I see, touch, taste, hear and taste.
I've been using guided meditations which have helped me a lot with this goal.
Instead of relying or depending on my external circums for my peace and contentment I am finding them internally instead. Then I am not upset when I get the bad news of the day , if you will, I can then take it in stride. I do not get overly happy when things are going well. Shooting for the middle.
Called the "middle way" in buddhist thought.
This is what has been helping me a lot.
I am learning it is a mindset that I do have control over, not the circums.
Accepting what is and adapting myself to it. for i have found in much of my bad feelings is created in wanting things to be different than they are, and when I think that way I am always disappointed, cuz they just are not going to be. but instead if I adapt myself to what IS, and notice what is good, even in pain , what can i learn from this? but to adapt myself to it, then it all comes out differently. Then I am pleasantly surprised by the "good" when it does come, knowing that this life is all change and attaching to things that are not permanent leads me to disappointment.
This leads me to a lasting feeling of contentment instead of the fleeting one that comes and goes when I attach to the external circums.
Hope this helps.