Third Times A Charm

I am a 47 year old woman . I was homeless for 2 years because I wanted to get loaded. Yesterday I checked into recovery. And I know this is it for me. I just want to say no matter what keep trying. Life wasn't meant to be lived the way we addicts do. It robs you of self, spirit, knowledge, joy, and happiness. We all know this. I pray for you all to no matter what keep trying its bound to work. We are the most selfish addicts ever. And it's not fair to those who love us. When you get out of self and start doing for others the high is much better then the one I was chasing. God Speed!!



I applaud you on your strength and efforts to keep up the good fight. My thought and prayers are with you. Third time is the charm =) I have been reading alot on addiction and why we do the things that we do......Why we roll the way we roll and I have read some very wise thoughts. ONE being just that. Our thoughts which control our actions. It is vital for us to change our thoughts so that are actions will have a shot in hell......
" Where the mind goes, the man follows" anyway I am in your corner and have all the faith in the world. Keep us posted.