This giant moth decided to come say hello to me. Its greeting was to dive bomb my face! lol Thought I would share this beauty with this community.
Its pretty. But if I were you, I would have screamed. I cant do bugs. Pictures are alright but up close and personal no matter what bug unless its a butterfly I kinda freak out.
@tay1_23xoxo I did scream! lol I thought it was a bat at first since its the same size as one. I screamed like a little girl and my dad came running up the stairs to make sure i was ok. We both laughed so hard over it.
I love butterflies!! This pic made me smile
@OG I do as well. But I am not so fond of Moths (which this is) But this is probably the most beautiful moth I have ever seen
Beautiful, yes. Good to have around my belongs: No way! Butterflies are my friend & I'm going back to my years as a teen. I just told my daughter yesterday, that I'm going to get a caterpillar, feed it w/shelter so I can watch it transform into a Butterfly, from a cocoon.
Gorgeous moth!!!
Do you know what kind it is?
@Marines06 No clue! the only moths ive seen that big before were Lunar Moths but those were a pale greenish. All I can say is it was beautiful and didnt want to leave. But I had to safely get it back outside or my mini-panther would have made a meal of it. (my mini-panther is a black Siamese that is a natural hunter capable of catching Blue Jays)
Haha mini panther. I like that. Im actually an amateur photographer. Key word amateur lol.
It's a cecropia moth.
@DaveW777 Thank you!!
So nice thanks for the photo!
@zombiepenguin You must lived in the country! That looked just liked a country moth, not a city one. It's just beautiful. I've stopped seeing during that sized moth in the Summer...... Also, I don't see much butterflies in the Summer again. I heard there are flowers that attracted butterflies in your garden.....I am going to planted some . When you see the beauty of Nature, you realized that there is a God, someone greater then us, humans who made all this, here on Earth! Thanks for sharing, @zombiepenguin.