This is my first post. I struggled with shopping addiction f

This is my first post. I struggled with shopping addiction for years and was in denial. Recently, due to money struggles and the inability to buy things, it turned into kleptomania. I hid how I felt for years because I was ashamed, but getting caught made me really want to talk to someone and get help. I have started counseling, and started on new medications, but this has been such a part of my life for so long, that I feel like I have to somehow find the old me. I've been so self destructive, I think because of an abusive relationship with my mom and then my ex husband, that I don;t quite know where the old me went. I guess I'm just looking for some friends who might understand

Hello slynns95,
You should pat yourself on the back for seeking professional help! That took a lot of courage.

1 Heart

Thank you Marlene, I am trying!

If there is anyone out there who would like to talk please message me, I am dealing with not only kleptomania but PTSD as well

@slynns95 I am a recovering thief. Ask away…

Well, I am just starting meds and therapy. Unfortunately I'm going to have to deal with legal consequences eventually. What steps do you recommend for recovery?

@slynns95 seeking the core reason for your choice to steal. Mine was three fold. I stole from corporations as my vengeance for their ridiculously priced food. I stole because they told me I couldn’t. It was the challenge. And third it was the rush. I felt alive. Stronger. But it’s a dangerous addiction that can lead to bullets flying. So eventually the drawbacks outweighed the gains for me. Never looked back. I remember the last time I stole. It was a pack of cigarettes. The clerk spotted me and said, “you gonna pay for that?” To which I replied, “sure…” as I slid them out and proceeded to pay. I figured in that moment that was my last warning.