This morning is starting out with some pretty high anxiety

This morning is starting out with some pretty high anxiety. I hope it gets better. I had a wonderful low anxiety day yesterday. It always seems like those lovely, rare low anxiety days are followed by high ones. Maybe it's just because they're rare so going back to business as usual feels like a high anxiety day

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I hope today is a better day! Hugs!

@CKarma Well I had a horrible attack right after I woke up where I almost threw up, but everything’s been okay since then.

If you don't mind my asking, do you have any idea what brings on your anxiety?

@LavenderLadi It’s not generalized anxiety disorder. There’s usually not a trigger. What I have is panic disorder. It’s partly a neurological disorder that causes a psychological disorder. My fight or flight response is broken. There are some neurons crossed. So I get random panic attacks. Just minding my own business, doing nothing and then, bam, suddenly I feel like I’m on a crashing airplane with the stomach flu. Eventually you start to live your entire life in fear of the next attack. I’m trying to un-learn that part.

You must be very strong! The times that I've experienced panic attacks are burned into my every fiber.
I started meditation to try and work through my stress and prevent further attacks.
Is there something that helps you through?

1 Heart

@LavenderLadi Sure, lots of things. I have a white noise app that has all kinds of soothing sounds. I have a video of a stream that I watch on my tablet. I also have video if rain through the window of a London flat on YouTube. I try to regulate my breathing to pull it back from hyperventilating. I meditate and relax every muscle in my body from the head down, because our first instinct in a panic attack is to tighten all the muscles in your body to prep it for either running or absorbing and throwing a punch. But that actually prolongs the attack because it keeps your body thinking it’s in danger. Relaxing the muscles is to convince it it’s not in danger.