Time to admit it

I've known for years that I'm an alcoholic, but even after countless attempts to stop drinking, I dont think i've ever really admitted to myself that "this is it". The only thing now is to never drink again. Please tell me, why is that thought so difficult for me.

My husband thinks I do the things i do when i'm drunk on purpose, he thinks i drink on purpose - he isnt talking to me, my family are not talking to me, my kids are suffering - i need help.

I'm VERY new to this - drank last 3 days ago. PLEASE, someone out there give me something to go on.

Hi aloneagain, Welcome to SupportGroups.com . I am Tammy, an alcoholic in recovery. I am married with 3 daughters. I went to AA http://www.aa.org/ for help with stopping drinking. There I found people who understood me and I understood them. I also found hope, help, support, encouragement and love. We try not to think in terms of never drinking again. We think in terms of I intend to not drinking again and I will not drink today. We stay in today. Just for today - this 24 hours, sometimes broken down into minutes and seconds, we will not drink. I can do that. If I think of drinking or have a craving then we put it off until tomorrow and see how we feel about it tomorrow.

Have you considered going to AA? if you need help with finding a meeting or wish to talk to me feel free to do so anytime either here on the site either in a post or message me. You may also email anytime at [email protected] . Keep sharing with us. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))