Tired of DHS

I'm so ticked off. It seems like DHS changes workers every 2 months and every time they do they screw up my case. I get letters that they wont help me pay my medicare premium and then they cut my medicaid and my sons too but not my daughters. Then they also cut the little tiny bit of food stamps I get. Any body else have this problem. I hate having to rely on getting assistance. It's so frusterating to have to deal with this crap on top of the cancer. I wish they would get their crap together. Anyways i was having a decent day other than this dreaded headache again until I got the letter. Oh ya they also said I'm not disabled, but I won my case and get SSD. These people down there don't know what they're doing. Anyways I just needed to vent. It was so much easier when I could work and didn't have to deal with DHS. gotta go take my daugher to dance bye...Jo

Jo, I am so sorry for what you are going through and I am here to offer support in any way that I can. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you.. I'll get it all figured out. I just get so fed up with the system and I just had to vent yesterday. Today is beautiful and I'm not going to waste it worrying about it. I'm going to work in the yard today because I enjoy it and cook on the grill for the 1st time since last summer. It's going to be a good day and no worries, hope your well. enjoy your day.....Jo

Oh, Jo! That sounds so frustrating! I'm sorry for what they're putting you through. I'd document everyone one I speak to, date & time, etc.
Feel free to vent! You're not alone.

Sending hugs and lots of good thoughts your way.

Good luck. Hope they quickly get this settled for you once and for all.

Hi Jo baby, how are you doing and feeling today? I hope all is well.

Hi, I'm just tired today, but I did go with the hubby and my mom to the store and got tulips, daffadils, and hibiscus. My mom bought me 3 rose bushes and were potting them now, tomorrow were going to get my flowerbed together with the tulips.( my favorite). The girls are driving me coocoo. We got a 12x10 green house the other day so I'm looking forward to planting a veggie garden. But waiting on the hubby to put it up. He is so good to me, and my mom has been great. I'm very blessed. sorry just had to say it. The kids are great to but their rotten. They fight like cats all 3 of them. Drive me insane, but I know one day I'll be sad they're gone. Maybe:)
just kidding. Well I guess I should go help mom and Hubby pot the roses. thanks for asking about me. i hope that you have been well, if you ever want to talk I'm always available.....Talk to you later........be well...JO

Jo, wow, that sounds like such a perfect day, I love it! Is the green house up now and were you able to get your veggie garden going? You are so funny in how your describe your kids, I can only begin to imagine.

How are you doing and feeling today?