Tired of it all

I have been drinking for many years and I am tired of it all. I just want the madness to stop. I have embarrassed myself over the years, disappointed my children, and just really don't want to do this anymore. I tell myself on a daily basis that today is the last day and by the end of the day I am drinking once again. I drink everyday but more heavily on the weekends. Especially now because I have been alone for the first time in my life for over a year now. It has been very difficult because I am very shy and don't really now how to meet people so I turn to alcohol for support.

I know what you mean about alcohol being a friend. I am slowly letting it back into my life this weekend. There are lots of ways to make friends. Find an activity you like to do an join a club-there are plenty out there. Volunteer somewhere. Find support groups in your city. Keeping yourself busy helps fight the loneliness. Start a small business? I have made a drastic decision to help keep me from being lonely after I graduate. I am going back to school to get a 4th degree. It will help keep me from drinking and give me another chance to make friends to make up for the ones I've pushed away over the years. We both know alcohol is only temporary and does more harm than good. Find activities to do with your kids like camping or building things or fun competitions to enter. Time will cover the embarrassments.

Thank you Jassy, I have been thinking about joining some groups. It is very hard because I am very shy and talk myself out of doing a lot things because of this. I really am going to try to get myself out there though so I can stop drinking and enjoy life.