Tmi below but I just need it answer I know this is checking

Tmi below but I just need it answer
I know this is checking but my bf makes me wet
Do lesbians get wet by guys?

i doubt it! but that's not the question though, is it? if you are enjoy being with the person you are with now, then who cares what label you attach to your sexuality? the most important thing is that you're with a person who turns you on and makes you feel happy - who cares about anything else?

Try not to seek reassurance, don't try to find answers to pointless questions either. I posted this twice today already so i will keep this brief. All this behaviour (trying to find answers etc) is only making your OCD think that the quesion is important. This way it will never go away.

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)