Today a little depressed. In a cast due to a torn Achilles t

Today a little depressed. In a cast due to a torn Achilles tendon. Ughh

Ouch! How did that happen?

@CKarma I am still in a cast for another two weeks. The doctor said that I have a slight tear but should be able to heal on its own without surgery. Have to have therapy too after the cast comes off when ever it taken off. Leah

Honestly a couple of weeks back I took a good fall but really didn't think anything more of it till my ankle etc started hurting really bad went to urgent care and foot and ankle doctor and they said that I had torn it. Go see the doctor next week and talk about possible surgery soon. Deannie

I hope you are feeling better. The body can be so fragile sometimes, but the good thing with this is that it will definitely get better in time.

@bruindream yes it can indeed be. Leah

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