Today I found out that I have herpes. Just from looking at mToday I found out that I have herpes. Just from looking at

Today I found out that I have herpes. Just from looking at my bumps my doctor could tell, but I am still waiting on the test results to come back. I have been dating the same guy for about 6 months now and have not been with anybody else while I have been with him. So obviously, it was from him. Since you can also get herpes from oral sex, that is what he thinks happened in this situation, but he still got tested today. He keeps saying he isn't mad at me and to not worry, but I'm wondering why he would even be mad at me if he is the one who gave it to me? Any thoughts on why he would be reacting like that?

Kinda in the same boat. Been dating a guy for 2 months and just found today I have it also (waiting in test to confirm) but dr feels sure I do. My BF is a wreck and heart broken bc he gave it to me. Maybe your guy is still just in shock and not sure what to say or how to feel. My BF can't understand why I don't hate him. He had no idea he had it I can't be angry at him for not knowing.

@mmjb1210 Yes I of course don’t hate my BF either because I feel like if he knew that he had it, he would’ve told me. I think you’re right about him being in shock and maybe not wanting to accept it yet. I hope everything can work out with you and your boyfriend, thank you for your kind words and thoughts!

Hope the best for you guys! I keep telling myself things happen for a reason sometimes we just don't understand the reason.

I don't think you can really know who gave it to you unless you have only been with one... I have heard that you will not test positive until you have had your first OB. It can run dormant

@Mutha-flower he has been the only guy that I’ve slept with since high school and I am about to be a Senior in college. I did ask my doctor if there was anyway it could be somebody from that long ago, but she said it was near impossible.