Today sucked

So, today has been really tough. I have tried so hard the last few days to stay positive, but keeping up this pretence that everything is good when really inside I am falling to pieces is so so hard.

I have binged my way through today, from the moment I woke up until now, 10pm at night!! I feel totally rubbish for it, it totally sucks!!

I went to a coffee shop this afternoon in my lunch break, found myself eating a large slice of cake, I took out my journal and started to write. Before I knew it I had wrote a note to my family and friends about not wanting to be alive anymore. I even planned on coming home after work and ending my suffereing. Everything just seems never ending, I feel like a complete failure.

I worked late as I was so scared about the thoughts that I had experienced in my lunch break and worried that I may act on them. After finishing work, I came home, via 4 shops to pick up binge food, and ate that. After eating that, I exercised until 15 minutes ago. As I went to have a shower, my eye caught an ED book that I have in my bedroom, so I picked it up and started reading.

After reading the chapter about relearning eating control, I have remembered that this is not an easy journey. It's going to have its ups and downs. I've got to expect it to be 2 steps forward and 1 step back, I've got to stop putting so much pressure on myself that I can change this over night. I can't. This is a process, one that is going to take time and determination. I want to do this, I so do. I have to somehow get a good eating pattern back. I have to remember that every normal meal that I eat is a small victory.

I have just text a friend of mine to ask her for some help. I no longer feel that I can go food shopping on my own, so I have asked her to come with me and to make sure that I only buy what I need, so that I never have too much food in my home. I have asked her to take all my bank cards, so that I do not have money to spend on binge food, if I get my food shop right, I should have enough food to make my breakfast, lunch and dinners every day and I will not need my bank cards!! I have asked her to help me in general. I am not really sure of any other ways that she can help me with tis at the moment, but she is happy to do what she can, and for that I am grateful.

I cannot tell anyone about how much despair I feel over this right now. If people knew how low this was making me, to the point I was writing notes to people for when I am gone, they would just worry, and I don't want people to worry about me. I am not worth the worry. I have done this to myself and I am the only person who can fix this!!

Above all, I have to remember... tomorrow is a new day!!

Dear Lace,

Don't depair! The thoughts, guilt and feelings you suffer from ED and binging is normal for someone who suffers from such disorder, and yes you are suffering from a dangerous and complicated disorder that is sooo much more than teaching yourself how to eat like a "normal" person but soooo much of how you think about food. I see that you have a book on ED but that may not be enough. If you haven't considered seeing a doctor, please do so. If not, talk to your family. If that doesn't help, talk to a friend, a counselor or someone who speaks the same "language" as we do: the ED language. If you need to, go to a bookstore and browse the addiction/recovery section. Find a book that suits your needs and go from there.
You are NOT alone. There is help. There is happiness and life outside of this disorder. Go and fight for it!