I hate myself for staying with a man like my soon to be ex. He is turning into a person that I do not even know. He is still trying to control me by making all the decisions in this divorce. We just refinanced the house and he tried to hide 21,000 that he is to receive in a few weeks from his mortgage co. Oh how I hate that man because he is such a creep. What type of man would choose skanky women over his own children.
I, unfortunately (!!!!) totally relate to what you posted. I stayed married to my now ex too long for sure, and if I had a dollar for each time every single day I thought I should divorce him for so many years, I'd be one seriously rich gal!! I found out I truly didn't know who the man was I had married nor what he was capable of doing to ruin my life.
That business of him trying to control the divorce too is rough. My attorney rewrote the settlement agreement at least five times, and each time I had my attorney change things to suit him so he'd give me a divorce, he simply vetoed the next settlement agreement and we started all over again.
It's nothing you're doing, what he can't stand is you want out and he is about to lose you and will have no control over you anymore....that drives a control freak crazy. Get this, it will make you laugh and I think you need a laugh right about now! My still husband at the time had the nerve to buy a new SUV and a Harley and hid those with friends, how did I find out, the dealerships mailed congratulations postcards to him for purchasing and then those things became marital property too! What a dumb-ass LOL!
About him choosing skanky women, yep, been through that one too and he brought them into our house, another stupid move on his part. Keep remembering you are getting close to having your freedom, he will not be able to control your every move anymore, and your life will start to fall in place. Let him have his skanky women (he's earned skanky!) and when you think about him, remember he is with trashy women, and he lost a good one. He's made a real nasty bed for himself and he will look back one day and be so sorry, but you will look back and say to yourself, thank God I got out when I did.
I hope this helps you at least a little bit. Lots of hugs to you! Sunshine!