I want to share some articles on Trich that i have been reading. Some are basic and some are about people. I honestly never even knew it existed and feel like this isn't something that people know about or think exists, so I just want to inform people and myself on what is happening to me:
"Trichotillomania can affect as much as 4% of the human population, including mostly women. This heartbreaking condition is caused by an inability to deal with stress and can lead to chronic hair pulling in patients.
There can be many causes for trichotillomania, but fortunately the condition can be controlled. The simplest step that you can take is getting in touch with psychologists or psychiatrists. Such nonpharmaceutical interventions are ideal in helping patients deal with their stress and the condition.
In addition to medications, therapies like psychoeducation and supportive therapy are quite helpful in treating trichotillomania. For example, research is being conducted to determine whether Methylphenidate, Olanzapine, and Naltrexone can help children suffering from trichotillomania. The genetic component of the disease is also being researched with help from the Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit (PNGU) located at the Center for Human Genetic Research at the Massachusetts General Hospital."
Source: http://www.newsmax.com/FastFeatures/health01-Trichotillomania-trichotill...