******Trigger Warning****** I resisted the urge to cut myse

******Trigger Warning******
I resisted the urge to cut myself for a whole year, smoking helped too... Gave me a feel of self harm and plus no one could find out how f**ked up I'm... But abt a week ago i relapsed, my manic behaviour transformed into depressive one and due to lack of money to buy cigarettes i had to resort to the old ways of hurting me... But now I've started to love it even more than before... Only the pain I feel from the cuts now isn't sufficient enough.... I needed something more so I found out that spraying aerosols over the cuts magnified to good enough extent... Only thing is even that is temporary... I dunno how I'm gonna survive despite being a big dumb loser...

Dipu - I am sorry to hear this. Is there anyone who would help you buy cigarettes? Are you also a member of the self-harm group here on SG? I hope you are feeling better today, I see this post is from 20 hours ago. Big hug! Let me know how you are.

I'm okay now... No there's no one... Actually even if there was someone i think I'll just end up cutting myself anyway... It makes it easier for me to go to sleep... Although haven't done it for past two days... Probably that's the reason that i haven't been able to sleep... I never thought i was gonna end up so bad...
P.S. yeah I'm a member of that group too...

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