****TRIGGER WARNING**** I'm so messed up...I just got on


I'm so messed up...I just got on the scale and found i gained weight. (A good thing) the result was 100 scratches with a math compass. I thought I was stronger than this... I've promised myself to stay away from the razor no matter the case....

(I just want to say how grateful I am for this community. It really means a lot and please put up with my issues...I feel really bad about what I did.)

1 Heart

I'm sorry you're having a bad day. Do cutting alternatives help with this? Like using a sharpie marker instead of a blade?

1 Heart


It usually happens so fast. But I’ll try the sharpie thing after they heal over.

Can you write down one thing you like about yourself? This can be your mantra for the day. "I am a special person. The world needs me." Repeat it til you know its in your brain forever. The world needs more people with a compassionate heart like yours. This is your gift.

1 Heart


Thank you for the kind words. They mean quite a lot. I always love being compassionate to all people. But still, I really don’t feel much love for myself. My parents are calling my therapist so we can see a specialist sometime soon. (18 years old)

I’ll try to think of something good. It’s just that I hate my worthless self. Suicide is not the answer tho. Therapy is and hopefully I will be able to recover mentally. If not then I will die fighting this disease.

Yet somedays I just want to accept it… Tho I know I should not…

Sorry to read and hear this it must be hard to deal with certain things pressure every day you proberly get good days bad days don't really know to much about this subject of self person so I won't comment on something I don't know about but am here in the group I might feel uncomftsble speaking of such a problem but I would not leave the group

Hi, sorry you're having such a bad day. One of the most helpful things anyone ever told me about self harm is that although it's good to try to stop, it's not something to beat yourself up over if it does happen. It's okay if you mess up, it doesn't mean you are going to never be able to stop, it just means it happened and now it's time to heal up. I hope you're doing okay right now.

2 Hearts

@KateGreen agreed.

Don't expect yourself to be perfect. We are all human and we all do things we wish we hadn't. Don't beat yourself up your just human and hurting like the rest of us :|

1 Heart

@Empty1 that’s right. you should try harder next time not to do it.

It's okay to mess up sometimes. I'm in the same position right now. I have bipolar depression and one minute I'm good and the next I'm on full suicide time. I know how hard to is. I've promised so many people I would stop. And I just can't.!! I'm doing okay today I've been on solid scratching my arms but usually it's a few cuts.!! I'm here for you.!!

1 Heart

@Lachez15 I am sorry that you are in so much pain right now. are you getting any help from anyone?

well, how about just thinking about managing your illness one bite at a time. Or in my case, one happy thought at a time. Fake it til ya make it.Smi le at yourself in the mirror and say, I have beautiful eyes. Or I'm strong to keep living with this disease. I can have one good bite, meal, whatever. Your brain is like a computer. The more good thoughts you have, the better you will get. You have to start to built neuronal pathways. I'm happy today. Someone will love me. Just start writing it down even if you don't FEEL it. Sooner or later you will start to feel it.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Speak kind words over yourself...they create your reality.

1 Heart

@annieamygdala you are entirely right. you should praise yourself for at least one good thing every dAY.

@Lovetolaugh those were good words of advice. why did you think you had no advice to give?

You should give yourself a big PAT on the back!

MCRandBVBsavedmylife Hi, the reason, we are here, is that we all have issues.. Everybody has relapses / bad days / slips but, nobody Judges because, we are all the same and, we 'Understand'... We are all looking for the answers to our problems and, supporting 'Everybody' no matter what... Tomorrow is another day and with it, perhaps comes good things or, more issues we have to deal with.. We are 'All' only human and, can only do, the best we can, iat 'Any' given point in time.. The one thing that is a 'Cert', we will still be here for each other always.. Try 'Not' to be so 'Hard' on yourself and, learn to 'give-yourself-a-break' My Friend...The Love/ Support / Friendships are 'All' still here for you... 'Whatever You Do' and, 'Whatever Happens In the Future'... Hold on In There... Thinking of You and, Here For You... Sent With Love, Trish x <3

1 Heart

@Osultrus good heart-felt post.

a word of advice: Stay away from all blades. ocne you cut once, you can't stop.

1 Heart

@emogirl2002 good advice.