Tryin to over come anxiety

I have been suffering with anxiety for as long as I can remember. I don't remember not having it. I have a disease that causes anxiety, so I think my anxiety has gotten worse. I am on medicine for my anxiety, and it helps I don't have as many anxiety attacks as I use to, but still have alot. If anyone knows how to help me over come this, please let me know.

have you talked to your doctor to make sure that your body is not just tolerating the medicine you are on? i was on a medicine that was supposed to help me an my body was just tolerating the med. i was a little better but still had alot of anxiety. im not a professional just sharing a personal experience. exercise is supposed to relieve stress as well so maybe if you can go for a walk that might help ease away some stress. maybe take a warm bubble bath and pamper yourself for awhile. if you wear make up maybe do your makeup. it is amazing how much better it will make you feel when you pamper yourself. sometimes when im having a rough day i take a shower and put my make up on. it makes me feel alot better. hope something here is helpful for ya hun

Thanks foxy. You said alot that helped me. I'm not sure if my body is tolerating to the medicine. I stress out over little stuff that shouldn't bother me. But thank you so much, you helped me out alot.

Hi Melissa! I agree with what foxy said. Sometimes when you're at a low spot, pampering yourself helps. If the anxiety attack has taken over to the point you feel like you can't move, you're kind of stuck until it starts to subside and lift off of you. I'm like you, I've been battling anxiety attacks and panic attacks for a lot of years and they are SO frustrating. Especially when you know one is coming on and you can't even pin-point what's bothering you that's setting it into motion. I drink a whole lot of really cold water because I usually start feeling real hot....nerves because I'm getting scared of here comes another one....but it does seem to help most of the time, not every time, but at least sometimes it does. Another thing I do is I try to trick my brain and talk myself out of having an attack. It's a good thing I'm living alone right now because when I start doing that, I pace and pace and pace, and talk to myself saying, "this is going to go away, you're alright" over and over again. Does your doctor have you on xanax? For me, that's the only thing that keeps me "in check" at all....I don't know what would happen to me without that medicine! Keep us posted on how you're doing okay?! Sunshine!

I keep music with me all of the time and just excuse myself from whatever Im doing and listen to a song to relax. Or I carry around a note to myself of positive thoughts and read it over and over again. Or I carry a picture of someone I love or my pets and pull it out and it usually triggers a great memory and makes me smile. Small things that may help the panic attacks. It like a little distraction but puts me in a better mood so I can handle the stressful situation better. A small reminder that everything is and will be okay. Just a small step to try.

Eventually sunshine, thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. I am on zoloft, and it does help me. Most of the time when I have panick attacks or anxiety, I don't know what's bothering me. I guess that is common.

Jassy, I keep music with me at all times too, and music does help me with my anxiety if I am alone. Thank you for the advice, I will try that. Thanks I appreciate it.

I've had anxiety and panic attacks for 30 years now and I've been on medication for most of those years. It does help a bit but you need more than just medication.

I've done a lot of therapy. Some places have free mental health clinics where you can go. The counselling is pretty good.

I use relaxation. Used to be only on cassette tape, then CD, now I found one that's on MP3 so I put it on my iPod and listen to it. It takes awhile to get yourself to relax but once you do boy does it feel good! I normally don't make it through the whole thing cause I'm so relaxed I fall asleep.

I use music too. I like Mozart for some reason - go figure. But whatever works right?

Have you tried Yoga? I haven't yet but I've heard it's a good way to relax too and so is Tai Chi.. which I also haven't tried but thought I'd throw it in there.

I'll be thinking of you.

Thamks Meadow. I haven't tried yoga or anything like that. Sometimes what helps me is going in my room by myself and listening to music. If I am by myself I calm down pretty easily. But If I'm in public I just have to deal with it. It's hard.