Trying to find a place for myself

Do you ever feel like you just can't seem to find a place for yourself and you don't quite know where you belong. Well, I have been in this place for a short while now and it seems to be getting worse and worse, but I am trying to nip it in the bud positively and trying not to let it get me really down.

I am tired of the whole dating scenario and I am really so very ready to be in a relationship. I would like to live in a place where I can have a dog, so I started looking online and can't find anything. And, on top of it, I don't quite know if I want to stay in my present City. I have family here and some good friends, but it's not the same as the previous city where I resided for years. I have my very best friends there and I truly miss them. So, I also have to make a choice on which city to live in. I don't want to leave my family but I feel like I'm not really living here. I feel like I'm stifled. I don't know if moving is the answer, but I really really want a dog and have wanted one for so long. I am single and I am lonely, I also work from home so I can be with my puppy every day.

I just don't know where I belong in life any longer. Some friends are too single and out having too much fun, which I really am not into. Then I have friends in relationship that I rarely see. It also hit me when I found out a group of my friends are doing a couples outing this weekend.

So, my question is....what do I do in the meantime???? Until I meet Mr. Right....what is the right thing to do to fulfill myself and my life more so than it already is and just to fill that void.

A very honest question, I'd say that many people ask everyday. I would ask do you feel complete as a person yourself at present, happy and whole just being you? Because if no, then that is something you really need to work on.

In some ways I can honestly feel your stress, it's the point you get to when you are, well I have this and that box checked so where is he... but sweetie what about you? Don't forget you.

I truly believe we weren't put on this planet to be alone and you are out there and trying and that is so great but you have to take the focus off him and put it back on you. And being single is not a bad thing, remember that.

As much as we yearn to find what our friends may have. We most likely would not go out with what our friends have and they would say the exact same for my choices. your guy is there, you just have to keep believing and telling yourself this.

So I would say fill it with whatever you enjoy. Take time with both your couple friends and single friends, and male friends and keep enjoying you.

As for moving...I guess it comes down to making that darned list again. Or maybe taking a quick visit over? Where do you see yourself living the rest of your life?

You are a good person with a heart of gold. It won't be long til you meet someone who sees that shining through. Trust me and trust yourself.

Love to you
Moongal x

Moongal, you are truly amazing and always know how to make me feel so good again. Thank you for your wonderfully positive comment and all of your invaluable thoughts. I greatly appreciate your time and support. I feel like I am beyond fulfilled and have been focusing on myself and finding fulfillment for over 7 years now. I left the corporate arena, broke up with my boyfriend and relocated to a new city to pursue my passion. There, I made incredible friends and started my first business. But, there comes a time when businesses are great and that level of fulfillment are fantastic, as well as the friends that I have(I am blessed a billion times over), but I am beyond ready to start the next phase of my life...the phase of sharing my life with someone, building a life together, and starting a family. I have loved and embraced the single life for soooo long now and have always been so happy at each and every stage of my life, but I do want more for myself than just the professional facet of my life.

And, in terms of moving, I spend a lot of time in both cities. One of my businesses is based in one city [where I do not currently reside] and the other can be done from essentially anywhere. It would make sense to be in the City where my physical business resides, and this is the same city where my best friends are. I love my current city, but don't feel like I really fit in anywhere because I either have super single fun party friends or couple friends.

Thank you again for all of your love and support. You are a blessing in my life. I am sending you tons and tons of positive energy.

Hey Puppy,
Sometimes i do wonder do I ever say the right right thing. I just hope you believe my words, because i do mean them. Maybe you should move back if that city would make you happier then why wait? i know you'd miss your family, but that's what planes and phones were made for.

I know what you mean about overly single people. It's just too party party party, although I like a good laugh, i much happier to sit down and have a few social drinks, then go night club crazy...dear Lord I am getting old...young ones these days..ha ha:)

I know he's out there for you and not far, just keep looking and enjoying yourself at the same time, and I'm always here if you want to talk.

Love to you
Moongal x

Thank you, thank you so much again Moongal! And you really always say/write the right are truly a blessing here. And I feel so honored and happy that you respond to my silly [at times] little posts.

I think that I will give myself a few weeks to make a decision, but I have been feeling on the fence about this for about one year now. It comes and goes in waves. I feel happy and content in my current city at times, and at other times I can't wait to move. I will meditate and pray on it.

Thank you for your well wishes and believing that my Mr. Right is close...I know that yours is so close as well. We have to stay hopeful.

Both of you SAY the right things & I know others are reading.

Want to add, my sister & I have this old saying "There you go & then HERE you ARE"... meaning: I'm 2,000 miles from home & Here I am, nothing was any different..

The choice is yours Pup, the market is good for opportunities to buy & move, I started doing that when I was 18 & HERE I AM, I cant go back now..... choose wisely my friends, forget the guys for a lil while your good women, go w/that, the rest follows.

Love April (mom)

Not at all, I love your posts. Because they do often come so close to my heart.

You are truly a good person with a good heart...he is waiting for you.

What I want you to do, is go and buy one of those keyring hearts and whenever you feel doubt look at it, and give it a wee squeeze to remind yourself of that fact, that you believe your love is waiting.

Love to you
Moongal x

Oh, I love the keyring heart idea. That made me feel so happy and it's brilliant. Thank you. I will get one first thing in the morning.

And, thank you for all of your compliments, and for believing in me and knowing that my true love is out there. I know and feel the exact same for are such an incredibly bright, loving, caring, compassionate person...your One is blessed beyond words...he is ready and waiting.

Awww, I wish I could import a tiny version of you and carry you a round in my pocket and whenever I felt blue, could take ya out and you could pep me up:)

You are just too sweet, thank you! I honestly feel the same way about you.

I like your post. My question is -- how does one become more satisfied with who they are? See my post for more details. Thanks!

Hi Seattlelove, thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and comment. I think that it takes time to truly self love and one way of doing so is acceptance. If you accept who you are and know that you can always work to improve upon the solid foundation that you've laid through acceptance. I am here to help you in any way that I can and I am happy to share what's worked for me.