TRying to kick

Im 20 years old recently admitted to my parents i havee a problem< my DOC is oxy or heroin smoked. This is by far the hardest..hardest thing i have ever done. Ive stolen from the ones i love the most and screwed over people. ****** what do i do?? withdraws are the worst wth this ****, i should goto a 30day but i need to work and find work!

The actual physical withdrawal from this stuff isn't all that bad, especially when you're young. All the stuff that comes flooding into our heads is the worst part. That, is "All That Bad".

All these bad things will decrease over time. Lets say today is a ten on the bad scale. In 30 days we may be at a seven. From your post I get what I get from most people who are "Trying to kick" - Guilt. Guilt, shame, remorse are related to lonely, hopeless and set apart. All this is brain stuff (thinking stuff).

The best physical (biological) things we can do for this, thinking stuff, is sleep and diet. The body (and brain) is depleted because we've been using and because we're constantly being sold a diet that's bad for us.

Do everything you can to replenish your system through diet. I don't know what the rules are about posting links but finding what you need isn't all that hard. If you need help - tell me.

Sleep takes time - diet helps with this, but - crazy thoughts mess with our sleep and lack of sleep results in more crazy thoughts so...

You are in your twenties, so you have a hundred years or so to take care of the people you screwed over and the rest of that sort of thing. You can take care of all that and do about a million other good, fun, useful things - after (this is the key word here), after - you get off drugs and get your head squared away.

Have fun with it...everything changes

Hi Bradsikantired, Welcome to . It is great that you have told your parents. You may decide to do treatment/rehab. There is also NA . I suggest going to an NA meeting if you haven't yet. Keep hanging in there and taking it a day at a time. It will get better. Keep sharing with us. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

So we can put links. That's good. Agree with the owner of the blue eyed kitty, personal contact with people who have been there.