Well yesterday I only smoked 2 cigs and i am snowed in today so it will pry be 2 or less. Too cold so thats good. Haven't ahd one yet today but I know i am going to end up having one. I just don't want to quit but I am seeing someone for my eating disorder so I am going to talk to my counsler about it so i can quit. I think that will help. I think i need a push in the right direction. Things arent as stressful as they were but still stressful. I do want to quit but its hard. I am wanting to quit after this pack i hope i can. Need all the suppoort i can get.
You can do it. Slip ups are ok. Just think, you've ONLY had 2. Better than a pack. The taste that's in my mouth afterwards, the smell of others who smoke & the Good Lord urging me on seem to be helping me. I will be praying for you on the smoking & the eating. God bless you.
Thanks so much. i only had one today i wanted to have another one but I told myself no. So i think that is really good. Thanks for the prayers. I need them.
You are very welcome. Also. You are doing just fine. The fact that you can tell yourself no is absolutely wonderful. Congratulations.
Yea I am trying too and i told myself no already just difficult but I don't know if I can quit yet but at least i only allow myself a certain amount a day and that is all and i don't go over that. I just need to smoke half and take it day by day and slowly decrease how many i smoke. I can't quit cold turkey.
This just goes to show you are in more control than most. You control how many you smoke. This is wonderful. I can tell you are a strong woman. Bravo. I am not quitting cold turkey. Chantix is helping tremendously. And of course the good Lord. My prayers are with you through it all. Have Faith.
Well I am limiting myself to only so many a day and i am trying to cut back but its so hard to do that right now. Things are stressful.
Pat yourself on the back. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Give yourself a big hug. In otherwords, reward yourself & be proud. You are doing wonderful. Stress is something I HAVE to stay away from in order to quit. I am proud of you. CONGRATULATIONS!!