im sorry if i offended anyone on one of my posts.
i think i will just go and step out of the forum. do take care everyone. be good to yourself.
im sorry if i offended anyone on one of my posts.
i think i will just go and step out of the forum. do take care everyone. be good to yourself.
Which post would you have offended anyone with?
hmmmm, not quite what we were anticipating.
its clear that people do care. we become frustrated when we are offered tools and advise. take small steps. use the tools that you think might work for you. sometimes we set our self up to fail before we even get started.
you stated you cant hold up to your own expectations ... whats one of them ?
your friends here arnt gunna give up when we ride the pity pony. its a ride we all have taken. its nice to know there are ppl waiting for us when we dismount.
take a step towards a goal in your life or in your day. dont use negative thinking. you got strength. you use it everyday. turn it in another direction to aide in your growth.
i didnt realize the extent of this persons situation, it was on the why bother anymore thread
oops, whats the point anymore thread
We cannot know the whole situation until we have been on the site for a long time. We all make mistakes and say things that are not 'right'... the best thing I can say is apologize and step away from that post but don't leave the site. You will eventually know more of us as you read more and more posts.