Unable to sleep.. as usual. Who else loves insomnia?

Unable to sleep.. as usual. Who else loves insomnia?

4 Hearts

I have it too it's **** I've been given sleeping pills and nothing works :(

I know what you mean. Tried a range of tablets with no joy. There needs to be more on tv at this time of night

I am the exact same way nothing works for my insomnia and I can lay in bed all night long and not sleep sometimes.

Yeah having that problem right now

I wish I knew of something that works for insomnia.

Im surprisingly going to bed now at 12 in the morning. But I might be up in another 5 hours. So we will see.

drinking tea to try and help myself sleep..but nothing really works, my brain won't let me sleep

@PigfaceMcGee THe animals are out at night i have insomnia but wow no outside at night something might get me. LOL

I wouldnt dare go out for a walk in the middle of the night in my area. Ive tried a range of things.. only one thing works and I cant do that anymore.

1 Heart

@polarprincess Good do not go out at night scary things out at night time. LOL

Lol. Yeah one of those scary things would be me :-D

@polarprincess LOL they jump out of the bushes so dont go when its dark

Anyone jumps out at me and they'd be sorry

No its cool. . More ashamed than anything. Cannabis was a big part if my life and was the only thing that helped with anything

@polarprincess You are so funny you make me smile tired and stessed and all LOL

Pigface, you're making me giggle! They say eating turkey will make you sleepy. I've had some luck with counting backwards from 100, or doing self-hypnosis. I'm up most every night now, till at least 1or 2am, sometimes 3,4 or 7 am.... Talk about boredom! If it weren't for my Star Trek novels, my head would have exploded from boredom! It helps if I watch one of the late night talk shows (or all three of them, Fallon, Myers, Ferguson) because laughing brings on endorphins, which lightens the mood and makes me relax and then I think good thoughts instead of bad thoughts when I try to sleep.

@Pigface... any advice is welcome:-D I'm just a scary girl lol

@msmermaid :-D thanks.. that put a smile on my face.. happy to make anyone smile. :-D

Hay I am crazy thats why im here. Crazy and proud. I dont go out cause I worry about everyone else. :-D yoga would be good msmermaid.