Hi Pam,
I have to scroll up so this may look really strange. And i refuse bifocals because if i want to recline in a chair i gotta have my glasses on the tip of my nose. So i made the print on the screen big.
intuition, everybody has that to some extent i guess, would i use it as my sole source a big NO. Can we make our own path and be successful yup.
A little about me, all my life i've had to build my own castles, the old over qualified you know the drill. Now i'm 56 with a degree in marketing and an MBA. Both absolutely useless anymore. These people would rather hire some idiot fresh out of school knowing nothing and pay them less, than someone who can walk the walk.
Me i like and have used the pros and cons approach, which if you are honest works really well. Your questions are very valid by the way. What you need to find is a niche that nobody has thought of and attack that. And with our economy doing a continual downward spiral that can even be hard. So everybody you know are your personal work force to find a job. Usually the good ones aren't advertised.
question time as you wrote them,
1. what are you good at? what are your strong points? what is your experience?
2. Foods to lose weight (heck i need to lose a little), fish, fruit, whole grains, limit fried foods. Cut back on sugar no need to eliminate all.
But as much as you can bake as far as meat and fish go. And take a walk around the block once or twice a day. So as food goes everything with moderation, but, it's ok to splurge on yourself once in a while.
3. well i'll use business here, everyone you had a good repore with co-worker or customer. Those are the people to seek out. and their may be 8 of them. And NEVER pick on yourself that just makes things worse. it's good to have a personal relationship for support for a crappy day. And teamwork, very important. So in a nut shell the people right in front of you may be the answer you are looking for, so listen closely.
4. Ah this one i like the best, a pros and cons list for sure on anything you'd like to shoot for. I have no idea who did this quote but it is so true "you have to love what you do to get great at it", you can still be good but not where you want.
From me to you, what do you really like to do? We have other things we can talk about but this first. Then use my list. What i've written to you sounds kind of like a business plan WELL IT IS.
I like your style so let me know and we'll start to dwindle the list. You may have your own business, who knows.
I will talk to you soon, bye for now.